Three Reasons Why Women Want to Be Thin

Three Reasons Why Women Want to Be Thin

It’s nearing the end of 2021, and while some of us are still processing 2020, some have already prepared their New Year resolution to be thinner and have a slim figure. Most women appeal to the skinny build because they want to wear the nice and cute clothes that celebrities often adorn, and it also helps them be confident and dictates their self-esteem. Suppose you are struggling to lose weight. Maybe you should try the strongest appetite suppressant in the market right now to control your hunger. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why women want to be thin:

They Want to Be Healthy

Being obese and overweight can cause concerns for your friends and families because many people die from obesity. Disease prevention should be on top of the list on why women want to be thin, and many actually answered word for word, verbatim as predicted. You don’t have to be a hypochondriac to achieve a slim figure; just watch what you eat and keep your appetite in check every time you feel like putting your hand inside that cookie jar or ordering that creamy Starbucks’ Frappe.

They Want to Be a Model


Some women are passionate about their careers in the fashion industry. They have dreams to walk along the runaway, and for them, being skinny and having a slender build can help them be one step closer to making the world their red carpet. Models take special care and attention in keeping their weight in check and body in shape; they eat on a strict diet and avoid processed foods most of the time, which is why they have such enviable physiques in the first place.

They Want to Fit into Cute Clothes

It’s a shame that fashion manufacturers don’t take much consideration into producing plus-size clothes like Abercrombie or Hollister. Women like to wear cute and trendy pieces, but they don’t always come with their size, and it could be frustrating enough to push them over the edge to take measures into their own hands. Many women shed pounds with hopes of fitting into those clothes that they really like and dressing up really well to start their day.

They Want to Find a Partner


According to a survey done in Asia, most men prefer their women to have a slim and attractive figure over a curvaceous one. And we all know that everyone has their own preferences; after all, there is no accounting for taste, right? But the majority of consensus declares that women with a thin build are more attractive for the majority of the male population in Asia; hence, women in Asian countries, like China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, are vying to lose weight and stay in shape.

This circles back to supply and demand, because those countries have a higher women population than men, the women have a mindset to be as presentable as possible to find a potential partner to settle down, and if you want to slim down quicker, consider using appetite suppressant to make your weight loss dream come true!…